Game Spotlight! Gaslands

This is another game I always have a blast with. If you enjoy Mad Max movies or twisted metal games this one will be right up your alley. Gaslands is a budget tabletop game good for all ages where you can have a destruction derby, a death race or many other kinds of vehicular mayhem. It also lends itself well to season or campaign play and is great for the hobbyist side as well. Car wars may have come long before but gaslands is a much more budget friendly, entry level option in my opinion.

What you need to play:

·         The Gaslands core book.

·         A pile of 6-sided dice (Or custom dice but not required)

·         Some items or objects to emulate terrain or start and finish lines for some of the modes of play

·         A handful or two of cheap toy cars. (Hot wheels, match box, any number of discount store toy cars)

·         Either some printed and cut out or plastic/wooden cast set templates for car movement/maneuvers. Some tokens or markers as well.

·         Some scratch paper or print outs to record vehicle stats and damage

Each scenario/game type will outline the goal. Some might be just to win the race; others may be a bit getting audience votes through certain objectives. This comes with the amusing adjudicating factor that if a particular rule is unclear or contested. The thing that would cause the most damaging/destructive outcome to each vehicle is the winner.

Each round is split 6 turns called gear phases. Some but not all vehicles will get to go during these phases depending on the max gear of the vehicle. The trick being that the higher the gear, the faster the movement and more hazardous the maneuvers and chance for something bad to happen. Each time a vehicle activates it can choose to roll a number of dice based on one of its primary statistics to see what benefits or bad things might happen.

There are also a whole host of tricks, neat abilities and weapon and vehicle options which actually makes vehicle design a lot of fun and an interesting creative process besides. The community has a lot of great hobby to offer besides the game itself and definitely a high recommend from me.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope my fellow gamers and hobbyists find this review helpful

Relevant links:

Gaslands Home page:

Gaslands Facebook group (An awesome place to check out some of the amazing builds and modeling folks in the community have done for the game. Does require join request):

The Store page and friends of Gaslands list:

Gaslands refueled on Amazon(US):

Litko flaming wreckage markers (Not necessary but fun and in the spirit of the game):

Youtube Gameplay:

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