Game Spotlight – Rangers of Shadowdeep

Not quite a wargame, not quite an RPG. This is one of my personal favorites. A great game for both hobby enthusiasts as well as solo or co operative game lovers. The systems are very easy to pick up and understand, flows very well and does a great job of setting up a scene that’s easy to jump into and feel like you’re playing out fight scenes from some of your favorite high fantasy books. The core book includes a full story arc and there are several more available from the drivethrurpg page. A deluxe printed edition of the core book is also available from Modiphius.

What you need to play:

-A tabletop with roughly 3ftx3ft area

-A Ruler or measuring tape

-Some miniatures or dice/tokens to represent characters/allies/monsters

-Some terrain or items to use as terrain features

-A standard deck of playing cards

-Some of the printed character sheets or scratch paper to make your own and track relevant charact/ally information.

-A copy of the core rules.

-A good dose of imagination.

Each Scenario is broken up into either a specified objective or rounds to achieve the particular goals of the scenario. The combats are quick and fluid being a comparison of 2d20 rolled and comparing for each combatant one damage being assigned to one side or another.  Scenario specific events are determined based on cards being drawn from the deck of playing cards.

The other thing that really makes this game a lot of fun for me is the game’s endless ability to create and design your own scenarios. This is a thing that is well supported by the player community and really gives the game so much replay value like any good RPG would and the community is great about sharing scenarios and ideas they have created. This one is definitely a recommend from me.

Thanks for taking the time to read and I hope my fellow gamers and hobbyists find this review helpful

Relevant links:

The Modiphius page

Drive thru rpg:

Amazon link to Core Kindle edition (US):

Amazon link to core print edition(US):

Monster Cards: Monster Cards:

YouTube look:

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